Saturday, October 29, 2005
True Love
Been surfing here and there, and I went to Yasmin Ahmad's blog. If you don't know who she is, she's the director of Sepet and the upcoming Gubra, as well as countless adverts on TV during any celebrations. Y'know, the Petronas adverts.Apparently she's a poet, and she likes to put some poems up in her blog. One poem caught my attention, so I'm gonna put it up here. You can surf to her blog and check the rest of her favorite poems. "True love" - Wislawa Szymborska True love. Is it normal, is it serious, is it practical? What does the world get from two people who exist in a world of their own? Placed on the same pedestal for no good reason, drawn randomly from millions but convinced it had to happen this way - in reward for what? For nothing. The light descends from nowhere. Why on these two and not on others? Doesn't this outrage justice? Yes it does. Doesn't it disrupt our painstakingly erected principles, and cast the moral from the peak? Yes on both accounts. Look at the happy couple. Couldn't they at least try to hide it, fake a little depression for their friends' sake? Listen to them laughing - its an insult. The language they use - deceptively clear. And their little celebrations, rituals, the elaborate mutual routines - it's obviously a plot behind the human race's back! It's hard even to guess how far things might go if people start to follow their example. What could religion and poetry count on? What would be remembered? What renounced? Who'd want to stay within bounds? True love. Is it really necessary? Tact and common sense tell us to pass over it in silence, like a scandal in Life's highest circles. Perfectly good children are born without its help. It couldn't populate the planet in a million years, it comes along so rarely. Let the people who never find true love keep saying that there's no such thing. Their faith will make it easier for them to live and die. Oh well, good night people. Off to sleep.
Oh yeah, my bro managed to buy Soul Calibur 3 and Resident Evil 4. Will play tomorrow, if not tonight. :p
Thursday, October 27, 2005
1 hour 55 minutes
I wonder what will the phone bill look like with a call that lasts that that long. Simply put, that's almost two hours of talktime. To a cellphone, no less. Oh well, we'll see it soon.In other news... Uh, what other news? I can only think of my princess. Sigh....Think, think. Oh yeah, I don't know if my 500-bucks will come into my bank account. Huh? what $500?Well, in Cemara, all sudents living there has to fill up this form where the university will give around $500 in two payments. Why? Akasia-Cemara doesn't have a mess hall (dewan makan.) I don't know why, but it's not there. So the university gives out pocket money for our meals.As for me, I didn't fill the form up and send it. I just let it slide. But it came back to haunt me later. My people found out that I didn't send the form. It turns out that the boys rang the Treasury to find out why they are late recieving their second payment. The treasury pointed out that there were two people who didn't send in the forms and because of that, they witheld the payment. I was one of the two who didn't send the form.So it turns out, that I will get my $500 in one lump sum, as opposed to two payments of 200 and 300 early and later in the semester. Am I happy? Partially.If I do get the money, I want to buy another phone using that money. Not the fancy-schmancy phones, but a real, working phone. And two Hotlink simpacks, for me and my princess. I bleeping hate DiGi's guts, if you people haven't noticed it yet.But I don't want to allow myself to angan-angan. It only hurts. So it's better to think that the money won't come. If it did, then it's good la. But if it's not, it's not the end of the world, right?I wonder what's my princess is dreaming right now. Hold on to that teddy bear, sayang. And don't forget to wear that jacket, Shah Alam's been raining. I wish I could be there to hug you and keep you warm.RLC.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Screwing | Half-naked | gaming | Missing her so much
I just finished my Literature homework and already emailed it to her. (Screw that bee-atch.) If you want to hear me whine, you can go to Ichigenhanku for more unnecessary info. (I'm looking at her photo. I miss her so much. She looks so cute. I love my princess.) Oh yeah, I haven't ofiicially blogged about me being back at home already. Well, here I am, back at home. Truly, that's like the least useful information the human race can use. But hey, I'm here, happily half naked. Hey, this household has only one woman figure: my mom. She doesn't care about us half naked. We're her sons. She gave birth to us. For people who's eww-ing over the half naked thing: screw you. Gah, nothing to do at home. Oh yeah, homework. Too bad they don't take care of themselves. (man, why the hell I'm too harsh in my writing today? Sayang, tolong!) I guess this is because I miss her so much. Her pictures grace my monitor. Her jacket is over my body. When I miss her too much, I just pick up the phone and call. 20 minutes is too bleeping short, an hour plus also sometimes feels like it's not enough. I thank God (and the US military) for the Internet. Voice chat for hours, baby! In other news, I'm stuck fighting the insurgents in Full Spectrum Warrior. I don't know how to get past this one area which is blocked by two armors (that's Marine talk for tanks). I'm taking a brake for a while lah. Also can't wait to go to Alor Star. One is baju Raya Shopping, but the one true thing is the bi-annual Storming the Game Shop and Looting Their Game Collection (that's gamer talk for buying lots and lots of new games.) Sigh... Sayang, I love you so much. I miss you so much. You don't worry yek, especially about your home. She's fine, she's okay. I bet she gets better if you talk to her on the phone. Just for another month or so, you'll be going home. Take care of her. Love her. Oh, kirim salam to her from me. Jeez, I better hit the showers. I want to get a haircut today. Sayang, I love you. Miss you. Take care. RLC. ( I realized that the blog title, and the contents itself, is kinda weird. I'm sorry people. I'm sorry, Sayang. I miss you so much, that's all.)
Sunday, October 23, 2005
A short note from home
Oh, I'm back home already. Nothing to talk about yet. the usual lethargy when at home sets in the minute your foot steps inside the house. Will post something later lah.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Mickey Dee's Ribs?
(Light & Easy is on right now, and I'm missing my Princess. Sigh.) Another day of puasa, and it's kinda boring. We're already knee-deep in the routines, and that's the way we like it. Get up early, eat, sleep (oh, okay, subuh prayers), spend the day, buy food, break fast, don't forget the prayers, and then sleep. Ad infinitum, ad nauseum. Oh yeah, last night's breaking of fast was crazy. I finally lived a childhood dream. hell, any sane kid would be dreaming of it, and I managed to live it. (this blog was written on saturday night. Yes, I don't have a freaking night life. Screw you. I'm missing my princess nih.) Last night was crazy. We had a test earlier in the afternoon. Pfft, it was billed as a "open-book assignment." Hello? Main Hall, Rows and rows of desks + chairs, tension filling the room? The only thing that stopped it from being a real "test" test was that it's only 20 marks. Yeah, whatever. Besides, it was kinda a bad day. Masam faces everywhere, mine included. It didn't help that we got into an argument too. Thank God that the argument was settled before the day was over. And I guess I wanted to celebrate the end of a day, so why not celebrate it with friends and in a good place? So We rang up Amoi and asked her to join us. But where to eat...? It so happens that Mickey Dee's (that's "McDonalds" for people who don't understand gangster-talk) is doing a buffet buka puasa thingie. 18 bucks per head. Crazy sial. So there we were, the three of us, inside McD. Fifty-plus dollars flew away, but we didn't knew what was in store for us. The people there just said, "order anything in the menu." Uh-huh. Okay. Our first orders were at average, three burgers per person, two drinks and lots of stuff in between. I never thought I could stuff a lot of burgers in just one sitting. Now I know. Even after our initial trays were finished, I went down and took some more. Hey, this is a buffet thing after all. I paid 18 bucks! I don't want to eat "just a few" burgers. I want to stuff my face silly! In just one hour! And stuff we did. You people remember the picture where the snake blew itself apart after it swallowed the 'gator whole? That was my mental image of myself at that time. My "poring" stomach grew out of proportions. Hah! But we had lots of fun. I mean, I could never had a more than two burgers in one go, and then I'm having the whole stock all by myself! Childhood dream came true, I tell ya. Okay la, I know I sound like this gluttonous kid. I ask for your apology. It was fun experiencing it, but it's not fun telling it back, especially when I sound like some 10-year old obese. I'm sorry, people. I guess for my gluttonous exploits, I have felt payback. I always keep this mantra, "God pays back in cash form," which means he throws the proverbial lighting at me right here, right now. Now I feel like my ribs hurt. I can't draw a deep breath without feeling pain in the lower right ribs. I can't laugh at my princess' jokes without a grimace in my face. I can't stretch back without it jabbing. And this makes my princess worry. I'm sorry, sayang. Please don't worry. In other news, my princess is doing something that involves a selling of stuff in SFX tomorrow morning. And it involves kuih. Damn, I'm a sucker for kuih. Wish she'd save some for me, but I'm puasa-ing ler, sayang. Sigh. Oh yeah, my new spectacle broke! WTF?! It sounds silly, my new spectacle broken even before I got it back to Kangar. Aih. The story goes like this: I was reading a book beside my bed. Then I wanted to stretch. I took off my spectacle and put it on the mattress. I stretched and then put down my arm on the mattress, hard. I heard a crack and then I knew I had broke my specs, again. If the specs was any other spec, I'd shrug it off. But it ain't any other spec: it was a frameless clip-on, but more important than that, my Princess was with me when we picked the frame and all, so it's the sentimental value that's important. Of course I bawled like hell. Even my princess became worried. I'm sorry sayang, I had to kacau you during your meeting. This morning we went back to the shop. Thankfully it'll only cost about 75 bucks to remake the lens. So, all's well in the end. So I guess that's it for this blog entry. I'm getting tired easily nowadays. Maybe it's the tummy processing the food. I know that my dreams tonight will be of my princess. I hope she'll have a good time over there. I love you, sayang. Let's meet up in dreamland, and let's hold hands. Sigh. I love you.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
3rd time posting this shit in the Lab..grrr
Eight days of fasting ain't nothing much, right? I mean, it's just a week plus of refrain. Hell, even my cat can do that.
Cruelty to animals notwithstanding, These eight days are full of ups and downs than could challenge a roller-coaster or two. Well, let me try to write down theses eight days, if I still remember some of those...
(And no, I don't advocate cruelty to animals. Don't you dare unleash PETA to my house, I'll shoot them with my shotgun.)
Have I talked about day 1? Oh the traffic, the hellish traffic. Well, Hades' Highway is still on high. The angels of PDRM and MBSA trying to control the situation, with so-so results.
Day Two was nothing much, too. Except it was the third week anniversary of RLC. I even almost forgot what day it is until Pablo reminded me. And yes Pabs, I still remember clover.
Speaking of which, today (thursday) is the one month anniversary of RLC. Pablo, don't you forget clover, ok? Make sure!
In Day Three we had a quiz. Quite a challenge to our puasa, as it's sweltering heat ain't helping us much. Oh, the Main Hall's air-conditioned, so that's a healing salve for us. I think after the quiz, I got news that my friend was hospitalized.
Who am I talking about? Well, it's Amoi (Azlin). For the long-time readers of the blog, you'd remember the time where I broke the National Security procedures and just name names ONLINE? I was angry and I just wanted to let the steam out. I got unceremoniously dumped by her, and that was a story from a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. you can still read that particular blog, I think it's around February. Click the archives on the right side of the blog and check it out.
It turned out that she was hospitalized for something that has something to do with the kidneys. I don't know. But I can only wish for her health, because I can't do anything at that time.
Day four was something. My girl felt sick that day and I enlisted Giant to get her to the clinic in Main Campus. As it was saturday, we found out that the clinic was closed. Oh well. We'll try the sec.7 Polyclinic then. Closed too?! Gah! So where else ah..? the Klang Hospital? Hey, we can go visit Amoi at the same time too...
So off we went to Klang to find treatment for my girl. We looked around for the outpatient place at the hospital, but it was nowhere to be found. My girl had the unfortunate luck to walk around the hospital in her sick condition. We kinda saw the outpatient section... But it was being demolished. WTF?!
So we sat back at the hospital lobby, trying to think of a way to get treatment. Lo and behold, I saw the notice saying that the outpatient treatment was at the Health Center back in town. Gah! So I guess the visit to Amoi was burned that morning.
Off we went to the Health Center in Klang town. My girl just slept at the back of Giant's car as we drove there. Poor girl. As we reached there, I saw that the gates for the Health Center was closed too! GAAAH! I broke the bad news to my girl, who actually didn't care about anything anymore. Besides, she said that she was feeling a bit better after all that walking and sleeping behind the car. Poor girl. If you're reading this, I love you, Sayang.
Frankly ler, I think my girl is happy that we didn't get treatment in Klang. She hates that place with a passion. She got warded there once for Dengue Fever. I could only imagine the hell she'd been through. I also hated Klang. That city is a shithole of congestion. Buildings so close to each other, and traffic is bleepin' crazy. The only thing I like about Klang (and the very thing that my girl hates) is the Hospital Tengku Ampuan Rahimah, Klang, a.k.a. Klang Hospital, a.k.a. The Only Hospital In This Area And Shah Alam Don't Need One. Yes sayang, I'm still bitter about this.
Well, the rest of the day was spent to make sure that my Sayang got the rest she needed. It was around 5 that Giant, Pabs and I got together and went to the pasar ramadhan. We bought some food and we planned to break the fast with Amoi in the hospital.
She was happy to see us visit her. As does anyone who was hospitalized, the only thing they want is just human contact. And we gladly provided that. We laughed and talked and ate and laughed some more. We even took pictures, which included Amoi in the hospital gown, and it ain't pretty.
Finally I managed to talk to Amoi heart-to-heart. She apologized for the past and I apologized for the past. She explained the things that had happened in February. Finally, we settled it all, and we became friends once more. It feels good to talk to friends.
Day Five was a no-event, if you did not count some of the private stuffs. But no, I'm not gonna tell about it. I'm filing it under "Matters of the Heart" section. And that's that.
Oh, we all got together and had breaking of the fast. Amoi got out of the hospital already, although she's not able to fast. But like we care about that. We bought the food together and we ate it together. It was me and Pablo, Amoi and Nagor, and Giant and his girl. Damn, we had fun that night.
Day Six, Seven and Eight was a total mish-mash. I didn't remember what happened, only knew that we had a shitload of tests, assignments, presentation, etc. Alah, y'know, Hell in a handbasket. And the shitload ain't gonna stop there. Maybe it's gonna overflow to days Nine to Fifteen. Whee. Loads of Fun.
The only thought in my mind right now, to keep me from going insane, is about my girl. I love her so much, and if I could give the world to her, I would. She is the reason for my life. I am truly blessed to be loved by this beauty. Sayang, I am lucky to have you as my love. I love you.
Gah, I can actually imagine the readers already puking their meals on the keyboard as they read that sappy paragraph. I'm sorry, guys.
My conciousness is leaving me yet again, and I think this is a good time to end this entry. i hope you all had fun reading it, as well as wiping your keyboard off all the puke.
have a good puasa, guys. Ciao.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Ramadan Blues
It's 5.44am now, the second day of the 30-or-so days of the fasting months, aka Ramadan. To me, Ramadan means family time, time to get together. Sadly, as we're in the middle of the semester, it's not possible. Actually, it's the butt-end of the semester. Finals are approaching fast, and so does the crunch time for finishing homeworks and assignments. So I guess the Fasting Month is a kinda of closure to the semester. Hm. Oh, this is my first time fasting in Shah Alam, and my fourth outside from my home. And it's kinda tough to adapt. I can't remember my first time of fasting outside Perlis. I know it was during my MMU days. I totally cannot recall my first Puasa over there. But I still remember the consecutive Puasas over the years. I guess I was in the Taman Melawis house. I remember getting up in the wee hours to go get the sahur food. We had to walk (or cycle, we had bikes) up to the front of the housing area and eat at RSU or that PAS-supporters' diner. Political affiliations aside, we had a good meal, in the mist of morning. Yes, it's really cold at 4am, but we have the warmth of our friends to survive the morning. Always being together through thick and thin. Ah, the good ol' days. The breaking of the fast is a colorful affair too. Food are always abundant, and colorful. One could get dizzy just looking at the food, or maybe it's just the hunger pangs that struck at the worst possible moment, heh. I guess Shah Alam is no different after all. It's a bigger, nastier place, but the magic is still there. Colorful food in the evening, cold temperature in the morning, and the warmth of friends all around. As yesterday was the first day of puasa, it was kinda hellish. Not about me, but the city. The traffic was a killer. People racing to get back home. Could you believe that the road was congested? But then again, this is a city, and this is expected. Oh god, the traffic jams... I guess, as the days roll by, we'll get used to this. It was just day one. I guess things will get better today, and the day after. It always have. In other news, I was in stitches after listening to Pablo's rendition of ABBA's "Thank you for the music." All I can say is, you have to see it for yourself. I mean, it was her expression that was the killer. And the song itself, my god. Oh, my dad's comin' to town today. Atok Jabar's getting sick again, and he's at my uncle's house in Sungai Buloh. Sigh. I'm gonna pick up my dad and go to Sg.Buloh together. RLC.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Bright lights and her smile
It's past midnight and I'm still up. It's been a journey of roller-coaster proportions, more of the emotional standpoint than the physical. I'm writing this on my rommie's PC. I just want unload; try to write everything that I have written down on my phone, my only notepad.About the roller-coaster, I can't say much about it. It was a three-day journey, full of ups and downs. Mostly it was up, but the downs are painful too. Okay, next business. Tonight, Giant invited me to follow him to Putrajaya to see his mom. I was in a contemplating mood so followed him. I never thought a simple trip would mean me looking back at my life. As we were on the highway, the lights from buildings faraway shines, and I was hypnotized by it. It made me wonder about a lot of things, especially about my relationship. I know I love her. But why am I prone to make stupid mistakes over and over again? "I feel guilty making her cry," I said to myself as I looked at the city lights. Putrajaya was a nice sight at night. The bright lights make it look like an oasis in the middle of the palm-oil tree desert. Again the lights mesmerize me. But all I could think of is her. How is she doing? Is she okay? God, I love her. My face turned into a half-stare. Eyes half-closed, mouth half open, and the body shivering. Now I know what she feels like at the bus stop earlier tonight. Now I know how her face feels.As the car drove by the magnificent buildings, I wondered about her. How is she doing? How is she holding up? What is she doing now? How's her feeling? But the biggest thing that I wondered was, "what's her view right now?" I'm looking at magnificent buildings and bright lights. We love to see these kind of things together. I guess I was feeling lonely and I missed her, for she was not by my side as we drove by the lights. After meeting Giant's mom, we headed out back. Suddenly, I wanted to see something. "Dude, can we go to the airport? I just wanna have a look." Thankfully Giant was accommodating, and he drove to KLIA. As we passed by the terminal, I saw some planes parked by the terminal. I was like a little kid, mesmerized by those big aeroplanes. But at the same time, a tear was flowing down my cheek. I didn't realize I cried. And I don't know why. I could guess that it might be something that will happen soon, and I am dreading it. Again, my thoughts are turned to her as we made the final lap around the terminal.I love her so much, and I would give everything in the world to make her smile again.We got back to Shah Alam around midnight, and here I am trying to write it all down. It's way past my bedtime, and I'm thinking that I want to come a bit late to class tomorrow. Maybe, just maybe.
Addendum: Haiya si Lase nih... Ada ka Tesco. TESCO! Well, of course la Sushi King.. We'll call you when we get the real chance. For now, don't cry. :p
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Of failed trips and a stupid dinner event
At the behest of Pablo who's forcing me to blog, here I am, blogging again. (Gee, that sounds so sincere.)Well, anyway, I wanted to blog. I haven't blog in ages, sial. Distracted, maa. There's a lot of stuff going on in my life, it's hard to get a bearing. And yes, you might point out to Pablo, my own classmate, and say, "see? She can update her blog regularly? Why can't you?" Uh, yeah.Lessee, what's on the table of my life right now...Oh yeah, I need to explain about the trip-that-wasn't-meant-to-be and calm Lase down (the comment box of the previous entry.) You see, we planned to go to Melaka (oh hey, it's this weekend pulak tu, damn) but there's a lot of stuff going on in school that's practically rendering us incapacitated to even think about Melaka. Sigh. School observation, for one thing, and don't mention the quizzes too. Sigh. And then there's this "supposed" dinner event that we have to go. I'll talk about it later. But because of these hiccups, we just can't. Now it's just a pipe dream of ours. So at least let me tell about the dreams...It's so simple, it's ridiculous. We're just gonna get an early bus to Melaka from shah Alam, and from here, lase will pick us up in her car. And we don't actually care if your car's aircon is busted, Lase. We love you, not your car. And then she'll just drive us around melaka, or maybe just giving a sight-seeing tour of MMU (as for me, it'll be a walk along memory lane, *sniff*). Hell, we don't care what you want to do with us, Lase (well, except for selling us to the slave traders for a quick buck. That's a no-no.) We just want to spend some quality (and yet short) time with Lase.And even that is hard to get. Sigh. The plan ends simply again by getting 6pm bus back to Shah Alam. Now, don't you feel that it SOUNDS simple? Sigh. Maybe next time la. Next time.So, a thousand apologies to Lase, for not being able to go to Melaka. We're sorry that we had to break the news to you on the comment box, no less. Insya-Allah, next time, expect to see me and Pablo in Melaka. Insya-Allah.Next story is about the "supposed" dinner event. Some of our 'mates in Class A wants to do a dinner event, and invited us to join in. For the first time, Pablo and I really didn't jump into that event. We were so wary and had bad feelings about this dinner event. We don't know why. The dinner is going be held in Klang Executive Club (KEC) and initially we had to pay RM50 for it. And it's supposed to be tonight (2nd October). The first time we heard that we have to pay 50 bucks, our hearts sank. Fifty bucks?! Crazy. Right there and then we said no, just because of the hefty pay. But the organizers relented and finally lowered the fee to 35 bucks, which is still hefty, IMO.Sorry to say, the organizers are my Melaka classmates. I felt that it's kinda rude to say no to their invitation, because they are my friends and we were together, thick and thin, in Melaka. I finally relented and said yes. And I had to persuade Pablo too to join me, and we paid the 70 bucks. It was not an easy seventy bucks we had to fork out. we were having a ton of bad feelings as we handed the money. Jeez.After a while, I found out that the organizers allowed outside people to come, as in by invitation la (like a girlfriend or boyfriend of somebody). It hadn't dawned to me yet at that time, that there will be outside eyes who will spy on us.One of the people here, (jeez, i refered to him as "people." He was my classmate at Melaka fer chrissakes. I guess I'm detached from him already. Maybe I have detached myself from every one of my Melaka classmates. Oh well.) Back to the story. He has a girlfriend, but she's from Melaka Campus. And she's a genuine Largemouth Bass. As in she tells. Can't-keep-secrets kind of a girl. Sheesh. And I saw her just last night. Then it dawned to me why they had an open invitation to outsiders. It was then that I felt I didn't want to go to the dinner event.I called Pablo and voiced out my concern. Incidentally she also feels that she doesn't want to go to the dinner too. Besides, it's in Klang. She hates that town. Actually, I hate that town too. So here are we now, two would-be liars. We'll call the organizers just before our departure time and tell that we can't go because of last-minute stuff that's going on. And frankly, Pablo and I don't feel a bit guilty about lying to them, or that we'll burn our 70 bucks. We just don't want to go to the dinner event.To summarize, let me list out why we don't want to go: - Bad feeling from day one
- High cost
- Outside people
- Spies
- Detached from old friends (?)
- Hates Klang
I guess that's it. Call us liars. We don't care.Oh, pablo's sitting next to me right now. She's just finished her CSS meeting. Say something, Pabs.pabs: It was food testing la. Saw Koci for the first time. There's this three layered kuih that nobody knows the name of and is still figuring out what to call it. The first layer is tapioca, then pandan, then kaya and then pulut. I just call it...IT.Ei? Why am I here? Gah!That's for MY post.......Cakap banyak la dia nih...sigh...
Picture dump:




