Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Mickey Dee's Ribs?

(Light & Easy is on right now, and I'm missing my Princess. Sigh.)

Another day of puasa, and it's kinda boring. We're already knee-deep in the routines, and that's the way we like it. Get up early, eat, sleep (oh, okay, subuh prayers), spend the day, buy food, break fast, don't forget the prayers, and then sleep. Ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

Oh yeah, last night's breaking of fast was crazy. I finally lived a childhood dream. hell, any sane kid would be dreaming of it, and I managed to live it.

(this blog was written on saturday night. Yes, I don't have a freaking night life. Screw you. I'm missing my princess nih.)

Last night was crazy. We had a test earlier in the afternoon. Pfft, it was billed as a "open-book assignment." Hello? Main Hall, Rows and rows of desks + chairs, tension filling the room? The only thing that stopped it from being a real "test" test was that it's only 20 marks. Yeah, whatever.

Besides, it was kinda a bad day. Masam faces everywhere, mine included. It didn't help that we got into an argument too. Thank God that the argument was settled before the day was over. And I guess I wanted to celebrate the end of a day, so why not celebrate it with friends and in a good place?

So We rang up Amoi and asked her to join us. But where to eat...?

It so happens that Mickey Dee's (that's "McDonalds" for people who don't understand gangster-talk) is doing a buffet buka puasa thingie. 18 bucks per head. Crazy sial. So there we were, the three of us, inside McD. Fifty-plus dollars flew away, but we didn't knew what was in store for us. The people there just said, "order anything in the menu." Uh-huh. Okay. Our first orders were at average, three burgers per person, two drinks and lots of stuff in between.

I never thought I could stuff a lot of burgers in just one sitting. Now I know.

Even after our initial trays were finished, I went down and took some more. Hey, this is a buffet thing after all. I paid 18 bucks! I don't want to eat "just a few" burgers. I want to stuff my face silly! In just one hour!

And stuff we did. You people remember the picture where the snake blew itself apart after it swallowed the 'gator whole? That was my mental image of myself at that time. My "poring" stomach grew out of proportions. Hah!

But we had lots of fun. I mean, I could never had a more than two burgers in one go, and then I'm having the whole stock all by myself! Childhood dream came true, I tell ya.

Okay la, I know I sound like this gluttonous kid. I ask for your apology. It was fun experiencing it, but it's not fun telling it back, especially when I sound like some 10-year old obese. I'm sorry, people.

I guess for my gluttonous exploits, I have felt payback. I always keep this mantra, "God pays back in cash form," which means he throws the proverbial lighting at me right here, right now. Now I feel like my ribs hurt. I can't draw a deep breath without feeling pain in the lower right ribs. I can't laugh at my princess' jokes without a grimace in my face. I can't stretch back without it jabbing. And this makes my princess worry. I'm sorry, sayang. Please don't worry.

In other news, my princess is doing something that involves a selling of stuff in SFX tomorrow morning. And it involves kuih. Damn, I'm a sucker for kuih. Wish she'd save some for me, but I'm puasa-ing ler, sayang. Sigh.

Oh yeah, my new spectacle broke! WTF?! It sounds silly, my new spectacle broken even before I got it back to Kangar. Aih. The story goes like this: I was reading a book beside my bed. Then I wanted to stretch. I took off my spectacle and put it on the mattress. I stretched and then put down my arm on the mattress, hard. I heard a crack and then I knew I had broke my specs, again.

If the specs was any other spec, I'd shrug it off. But it ain't any other spec: it was a frameless clip-on, but more important than that, my Princess was with me when we picked the frame and all, so it's the sentimental value that's important. Of course I bawled like hell. Even my princess became worried. I'm sorry sayang, I had to kacau you during your meeting.

This morning we went back to the shop. Thankfully it'll only cost about 75 bucks to remake the lens. So, all's well in the end.

So I guess that's it for this blog entry. I'm getting tired easily nowadays. Maybe it's the tummy processing the food.

I know that my dreams tonight will be of my princess. I hope she'll have a good time over there. I love you, sayang. Let's meet up in dreamland, and let's hold hands. Sigh. I love you.


  At Sun Oct 16, 04:18:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Lase said...

Nyaaa.... wanted to try the McD buffet thing also but never had the chance. T_T

Oh, and the snake did not blow itself apart lah. The gator regained conciousness (sp?) when it was inside the python and clawed through the python. So both died. ^_^

I think it is....

  At Mon Oct 17, 10:26:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...


  At Mon Oct 17, 10:28:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

@ lase: true. :p

  At Tue Oct 18, 12:31:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Haizum said...

McDs has a buffet promotion?! OH MY GOD! I HAVE TO GET OUTTA THIS GODFORSAKEN PLACE! *chuckles* McDs...buffet....*drool*...

Sushi King...*dribble dribble*...

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