Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Wordy or not?

Back at home already. Sadly, I'm not too wordy right now, unlike someone else who's actually bursting with bubbles.

sigh, even the typos as I type are increasing. Maybe I'm tired. Maybe something's-- whoops, scratch that. It's cured.

I meant to say that I was missing a chunk of my heart, but in the middle of writing it, the heart came back, with a gallon of hugs for me. ^_^

Well, see ya later. I have something important waiting for me online.

My princess. :)



That's all I can give. Hugs and kisses.

*hug* *kiss*

You've been through a lot. It's sad to see your sad face. And that I can't do anything about it.

But I'm here for you. Because I love you. I will never leave you. When you need me, I'm just a call away. And I'm just a single teardrop away. And I will never let that single teardrop touch the ground. For I will wipe it away, and I'll hug you till if makes you feel better, because I know you like it when I hug you.

Sayang... *hug* I love you. You have heard the words above, and the three words just before this so many times. I love you. I love you.

I can't put a title on this blog. Because I don't have an exact word or phrase to put it there. Speechless. It's the same expression when I read her blog. All I wanted to do is to hug her.

I love you.

What Mar said is true. HE loves you. The big Man up there loves you. My love for you can't compare Him. But I can love you the best I can.


Shah Alam weather sucks

It's been more than two weeks since I last blogged. These two weeks (like always) has been haven and hell. Thankfully, this time it's mostly heaven, most of it provided by My Princess.

If you have not been to her place yet, you should. She has written a lot of our experiences in the two weeks that has been. Now it's my turn to tell the story.

The first memory I have since I returned to Shah Alam is arriving here on new year's eve. Bus ride was the usual. One good thing was that the post office called me on the bus to tell me the package has arrived at Shah Alam. What package? My motorbike, aka "The 'Hog." Yesiree, I sent my bike over here. I guess it's due time I have my own feet over here, and maybe that I no longer have the chance getting into Cemara. (FYI people, God does have a sense of irony.)

The first few days I spent in Azwan's house, waiting for my buddies to tell me that we finally have a house we could rent nearby. Damn, nearby it is. It's right in front of the FACULTY. You can reach the faculty gates just by crawling there. Guess there's no more reason to miss classes anymore...

SO the motorbike is rendered pointless. :P Aih. But it is not so. Of course, if one is creative, one could reach the heights with just a motorbike. And reach I did. Or rather, we did.

Oh, we went to places previously unimaginable. For starters, we went to KLCC (of course, we left the bike at the commuter station, went there by train) and we returned home way late. Previously, it was unimaginable that we could lepak in KL until late hours. Now we can. ^~^ But of course, the motor is limited to Shah Alam region only. I don't want to push the motor way its limits.

One other place was Bukit Cerakah, aka Bukit Cahaya Seri Alam. Frankly, that place is practically unreachable, but with my own legs, finally we could have fun there. And fun we did have. One of the reason Pabs wanted to go there was the bicycle rents. She wanted to learn to ride a bike. She doesn't know how. :p But I was paitient with her, and taught her the basics of cycling from scratch. Also, we were lucky that the place was damn big. I mean, it's a huge forest and hilly region. The climbs up the road was hellish. She slowly got the cycling basics as time goes by.

We also went to the Four Seasons house, which is currently in the winter season. It was a fun experience there, if you consider walking into a huge freezer 'fun'. Imagine this, I only have a pair of jeans and a comfy shirt and sandals, good enough of the tropical climate that we have. Introduce this to a sub-zero climate, and you got a popcicle. :p My toes feel like they were poked by hundreds of needles, and almost every inch of my body froze. I would like to experience it all again. It was fun. Even managed to throw a snowball to Pabs (that hit a glass door intentionally.)

The whole hill was damn big to explore. big uphills, big downhills. What I'm really proud of is that by the end of the trip, Pablo managed to ride the bike on her own. Congratulations, sayang! I'm proud of you! *hugs* Then the horror actually came: she got bitten by the cycling bug, and wants a bike for her own. Or at least, another trip to Bukit Cerakah again. Sorry la sayang, maybe next time. Tiring.

Mmm..what else. Don't know lah. But, because of the bike, I don't have to depend on the public transports anymore. No more time constraints for us. I'm really glad.

In other news, My love life has really taken a turn for the best. I love her even more each day, and she responds the same too. I'm really glad about that. There has never a day where I stop loving her. Everyday I whisper to her, "sayang, I love you," and her reply always make me smile. The cutest must be the cute smile she does all the time. kyoot~!

In education news, the classes have begun. Oh yeah, I took Japanese class. She took Mandarin class. It's the only class where we are separated. But I guess it's okay, as I know she's having fun in that class, as am I. The rest of the subjects are going well, minus some hiccups here and there. Oh well, early in the semester. Once the semester truly gets underway, it's hell all over again.

Ah! We're also taking Kesatria Negara (Kesat for short. kinda dirty name, eh?) Damn fun. If you consider being ordered around by runts who took the title "commander" and doing marches "fun". :P But in actuality, we did have fun. Granted, we only had one session. I bet I'll be changing this statement soon. Actually, one of the things I'm looking forward to is seeing Pablo in a Tudung (!) Oh hell yeah. No way I'm telling you my feelings about this, nor will I tell you how she looks. That's my girl, and she looks beautiful. Words cannot describe her. Then again, words actually can't describe her in any time at all. She's so beautiful in my eyes. :) Sigh...

Oh, have I told you that Shah Alam weather sucks? Rain, shine, rain, shine. Yeah.