Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Placeholder for IFTDO

Supposed to blog about the iftdo thingie, but got lazy instead. So will leave placeholder to remind me. If I forget, remind me, ok? (and definitely you all will use that chance to "remind" me. sigh. :D )

HIJACK OPS: *evil laff*

Heya everybody!

How are you?
The day is so beautiful today ain't it?
/sakura falling in the background/
ah...the air is so fresh....
/air-comditioning buzzz.../

*sprinkles flowers everywhere*
*sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle*
*sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle*
*sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle*

Ehehe...that should be enuff to change this into a shoujo blog!

*door open*
*chair creaks*
"WHat the F????!!"

Ops, gotta go! *Pablo runs away to greener pastures* XP