Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

ATM of terror +2

Aight, y'all. New blog comin' to ya.

This here's an all-out gripe session. Well, it could be, if I could get my ass off of that comfort of the lush CC chair...mmm..

Well, I guess the gripe comes when I'm in the dead heat and swearing profusely (no typo there, it's not sweating, it's swearing. Well, you could say it's a combo thingie).

Damn, fifteen plus plus minutes flew away, and I haven't got past the second paragraph... sigh.

Dah dah, I'm totally focused now (wait...where's that link leads to...?)

Ghaa!? Distracted again... :(

Ok, ok. Let's start this again. Close all tabs...

Err...okeh. All closed. Now, let's type.

Wokeh, about the gripe. It's basically a good ol'fashioned gripe about the state of things in Shah Alam. Or more specifically, here in sec.18.

The worst for me must be the ATMs. Why those? Well, because they suck, royally. Lesse, right here in sec.18, there's a grand total of five ATMs, all of them loyally spewing out money (well, if not money, that what do you want them to spit? Crap?).

Loyally spewing, yes. But that doesn't mean that they're loyal to service you. Well, my main bank is BCB, which has two operating ATMs. Sadly, the ATMs are at the corner of the shoplots, and when it's noon, people get the unnecessary tan. I don't mind standing in the sun. But when it comes to my turn-- Oy vey, I wish I had Akane's Magical Mallet +1 with me. This happens almost every time. Almost. It's not about the ATM suddenly goes dead when it's my turn. It's more like the ATM suddenly don't want to give me money. It takes a long time to read my card, and when it comes to withdrawing out money, the ATM gives out instead a "hardware failure" slip. Ouch.

You're standing there getting a nasty tan, and that's what you get? Plus, both ATMs gets jammed with people, all the time. Morning, noon, and - *gasp* - at night. Same goes to the Maybank just a stone's throw away. It has 3 ATMs, and luckily are situated inside an air-conditioned room, and that's where the luck ends.

It's the same thing too-- Chock-full of people. Goddamn, where do they all come from? The downside of Maybank's ATMs are that it's in a small glass room, where maneuverability takes a dive. Thankfully the ATM is willing to spit money to me, or I'm gonna be suddenly famished for stupid reasons. But the people, oh the people.

There are times when I don't want a Magical Mallet +1, instead I want a good ol' fashioned Magical Biological/Chemical Gas Grenade
Of Doom +3 (extra critical), with the accompanying Magical Gas Mask Of Truth +2 (with the Leaf Village sticker for accessory). Throw the gas grenade in the crowd, close the glass door, and watch the hilarity that ensues.

And probably a good shotgun to blow open the ATM at BCB.

One thing that baffles me, are the throng of people at the ATMs. Where do they come from? I guess probably from the surrounding areas. Oh god, are people clueless. And that money plays a great deal here, kot. Every time people withdraw their money, it always look like a bundle. It's like they'll never need to withdraw it, ever. But then again, there's lots and lots people lining up to withdraw. Are these the same people who withdraw bulks of money? Ghaa!

Another thing that comes from the ATM story is the student's glee and happiness that their freaking PTPTN money had come in. zOMG! Like I freaking care! They are the same people who line up at the ATMs getting their blood money. They jam the place like hell. As an extension to this sorry farce, the stores also hike up the prices, knowing that the kids have the money, and they want rake is as much moolah as possible.

All of them: People at the ATMs, PTPTN blood money kids, the stores. All of them are muthafuckas. Damn them all.

About the bitter language about PTPTN: I don't resent the foundation at all, even though I'm one of the loan defaulters. (no, sorry. I won't fucking disclose the amount. Okay, now I'm getting resentful. Fuck off, and shut up.) The one thing I resent are the kids who spend their PTPTN money blindly. Do you fucking know where the money comes from? Do you fucking know that you have to pay it all the fucking back? Don't wave your handful of money over my face. Like I give a damn about the fucking money. Yes, money can buy food, but money can't buy the fucking happiness.

Do you think that the money given to you is for your fun? What happens to you after the money's "well spent"? Are you depressed? Feeling down? What is this, the new-old kind of recreational drug? What happens when there no more? Do you need it? Do you crave it? Fuck, it sounds like a fucking drug.

Of course, I'm guilty too. I won't be a fucking self-righteous bastard who preaches all the good stuff. I'm not a fucking tabligh. I've spent my blood money, and I'm very ashamed to admit that I will likely to spend any future blood money I'll recieve. But I need to stress that I'm not, and will never be, a fucking self-righteous bitch. All that I've said up there is for me too. A self-reminder, if you will. I'm not gonna preach now and hide later.

All I ask is that, don't prance like a ninny when you get any blood money. You got cash, fine. Shut up. If you want to spend it, just be careful with it, and be discreet, muthafucker. Don't do musicals on your way to the ATM. Don't blow the money on shit like "handbags" or "new dress" or any other stupid shit that you'll likely never have use in the near future (this goes out to the girls. Bee-atch).

Plan your financials. Don't blow it all up. Save your money.

Holy shit... He came out? Just look at the 4-letter word collection...12 "fucks" in five paragraphs. A personal achievement. But I guess he's really mad about this topic after all. I can sympathize with him (WTF are you talking about, fucker? You are me!).

Err..eheheh. Oookay.

Well, someone said a phrase to me, and it sounds fun. I know he'll love it. It's Carpe Jugulum; "seize the throat". Of course it's wrong translation (carpe means "to pluck", somebody mistranslated it to "to seize". I've checked wikipedia).

Err..yeah. I guess that's it. Oh yeah, link dump. This link's full of Bleach! screencaps, which translates for me as homework in vector tracing. I can't wait to go back home.

Okay, back to the distraction that is 4chan... :D


  At Tue Mar 01, 04:14:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger he who must not be named said...

pos pertama!


*running out of ideas* XD

  At Tue Mar 01, 04:24:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

Link dump! Whee!
-my pants are soiled with joy..Mechagasm! (Of course la, work-safe.)
-still my favorite. Love the expression and the hair!

  At Tue Mar 01, 10:54:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn you ibanezmf....


  At Tue Mar 01, 11:23:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Lase said...

Damn those people who got loads of money but still say they're poor. Damn everyone who has extra money to spend. Damn I need money to pay my tuition fees. T_T

I'm not in the mood today. Gomen minna. More info? Read my blog. :)

  At Wed Mar 02, 10:27:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

have 2 do dis during comp. class. last nite cannot find server day!
sorry about the short forms
i bet the people are from the atms themselves. they spit out people first before you reach it. when its your turn one of the people would have been syuck inside, and guess what, they'll be off line.
i'm ashamed too. no more blood money...
hmnnmmmmmmmm....maybe i can suck some from syaoran hmn? :)
i think ibanez is in shock being first poster.
Hey thanks for the info about nightwing and barbara.
you know, you have could just tell me.You don't have to go throughall the trouble.Gomen gomen

  At Wed Mar 02, 09:51:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

Lase: it's late but...Turn that frown upside-down.

in other developments, the weights on my shoulders are off. I thank you, Pablo, for making that happen.

You continued what Lase left behind and helped me through the shit. Here's a big THANK YUO from me.

And thanks for the theraputic ice-cream.

  At Wed Mar 02, 10:35:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger he who must not be named said...

@Syaoran: you browse pr0n site inside CC?! XD

@Lase: like what Syaoran mentioned, cheer up. Nobody have the right to tell or force you what to do but they can definetly give you some advice(not that you have to listen. screw 'em). I'm not against your diet program (mind telling us what kind of program?) but also, I can't help but agree with what some people on your taggie said (was it masami?); exercise is definetly better than any dieting program plus healthy too. Before you know it, you'll be having 8 packs.

Err...that doesn't sound right. o_0

Note: I sometime post at your taggie but under different initials. Lemme give you a hint - remember the notice from the court? *whistle* -t

@Pabs: No sweat. I just can't resist posting it. :P

  At Thu Mar 03, 02:47:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

runny nose....too much ice cream! sugar overkill. can't think. brain freeze. still awake at this time. tomorrow test.
want to wish everyone happy thursday. go, celebratre. (damn keys)celebrate! thnx iban. hello lase.glomp you too.and i'm not drunx.i'm not i tell ya.goway syaoran.go way!

  At Thu Mar 03, 06:08:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

To be fair la, I got a bit weak today. Main hujan kot. And I don't want to get out of bed. (actually, I did get out for lunch, but I was totally zombiefied...)

So, not getting out of bed, no MC, but slightly sick. Not the kind of sick where you can cure it with hot soup, but also not the kind where you need the CDC.

Damn, my reputation's going down the drain...

Oh, and:

  At Thu Mar 03, 07:25:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Lase said...

O.o OMG that was you????? >_< ARGH~!!!! Kejam kejam. >_< And I do exercise but it ain't working so was thinking of doing the program. :( And I can't don't listen cos they're my parents. *cries*

Ah well, guess I'll just have to work even harder on those workouts. Yosh... double the workout dosage. XD

  At Thu Mar 03, 09:11:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

NO TEST!wrong date, yeay! still sugar overload. urgh, thunderstorms...
What's CDC? Chissth, you miss class!
pablo's diet:
morning=soy bean, heckle syaoran,goof with friends
afternoon=rice with chicken and belacan, suck blood money from syaoran,ice-cream
evening=sugar and spice, and everything nice.
night=ransack my roomie's emergency food
My motto on food; eat 'till you're happy!:)
what is 'ayam golek'?

  At Thu Mar 03, 09:25:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

No test?! Damn, cancel ass-kissing mode! Cancel cute face applet! Pronto!

Lase: Parents are supposed to do that, they worry about their kids. Maybe there's a logic behind their dissaproval, kot. But then again, some parents don't listen to their kids whine. Meh.

When you're gonna be a parent, you're gonna worry like hell of your baby. Quid Pro Quo, whatever that means.

Pablo's questions answered:
CDC: Center for Disease Control. Headquarters in Atlanta. You've seen them in the movie "outbreak". Wears the yellow environmental suit, a.k.a. The Bunny Suit.

Ayam Golek: the greatest invention known to man. Chicken grilled. Chicken impaled and rotated over fire. With spices. Staple diet of my bro and mine during 1998-2000. My bro got darah tinggi at 14 years old because of ayam golek. And I think I'm going there soon, if I don't control my food intake.

Wish I was a good vampire, so i could fly to your place and suck YOUR blood money, pablo. :P

  At Thu Mar 03, 09:25:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...
go if bored.

  At Thu Mar 03, 10:27:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

spent my last drop of blood money on leong tau foo. nyeh nyeh
parents have secret meeting. they talk about
1/nag kids
2/make brother and sister to annoy older kids
3/pick up their kids late
4/ignore whines
5/learn our weaknesses and share them with friends to embarass us
its called love-our-kids anonymous
irony? we need those nags.
just because we love them too

  At Fri Mar 04, 11:57:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

The ones in the kampungs are the besht! Wouldya believe that we them every weekend for years? And then we ask how the hell he got darah tinggi...

No need to stop la wei, No need to stop la wei, No need to stop la wei, No need to stop la wei, No need to stop la wei, No need to stop la wei....

  At Tue Mar 15, 03:49:00 PM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

stealth post link dump!