Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

a comment that was a blog, or vice-versa

Holy crap, this is twice that I'm getting sleepy when I come to the CC. Maybe it has something to do with me still not recovering from the wild birthday day yesterday kot.

I had a long comment posted on the comment box. Yes, yes, I know it's that long. I should've posted as a new blog entry, but I was too sleepy to do it. Yet I still had the energy to type that long...

Well, here's a copy of comment:

"Happy Birthday to Kimurin!!"

Thank you for all those birthday wishes coming from all the homies (Lase, et al.)

Oh, I'd like to welcome a new reader, who's also one of my best homies, The Secretary General. Alas, the Sec.Gen is a bit overenthusiastic about his debut in here, he even posted in the wrong comment box.

Y'see, Mr Sec.Gen (that's your new nick), I'd like my blogsite visitors to adhere to some simple rules. Well, It's more like a guideline, a bit relaxed. I hope you stick to these "guidelines" and make your reading here a pleasant one, for you and for everyone else in

1. Always post on the latest comment box, even if you want to comment something old. The latest comment box is always found at the topmost (recent) blogs. Click there, and comment away. (yesh, no tagboard yet! Wort, wort, wort!)

2. Try not to post your real name. TRY. as a winning rule of thumb, always post your nick. (so now you're The Secretary General). And try not to put your friend's name in here too. ^_^

3. Lighten up, willya? Even in real life, you turn into this stiff prick when you're lost in your thoughts. This here community is a free-wheelin', free-druggin', free-boozin' community with a bunch of lame hippies. Try to blend in. :D Relax.

I hope this guideline of mine didn't put you off from reading the blogs. It's just, you're too stuck-up. Loosen up.

Don't forget to read the rest of the blogs dating back to September 2004.

(this is a long comment. sorry.)

Yup, yup. Long enough.

Oh, still haven't updated about what I did on my birthday. Nanti la kot. Oh, I got a Nike baseball cap from my mak angkat (boys: you know who).


  At Mon Feb 21, 09:59:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger he who must not be named said...

"...and the successor to the "first post" throne, me and ME!" >:D

  At Tue Feb 22, 02:43:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

am i second? yeSsss!!! i'm gettin there!
Come on wake up boss, remember you have to pass up your foe and pdj!pdj you have to dedicate a song or poem to her. You can do it! Gan ba te!
Oh and omedetou tanjoubi boss.Yess yes i know wrong spelling.