Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Narutards and a distraught mind

Hiya dudes. Just got back from Rawang, spent the weekend at my aunt's. Thankfully I didn't do anything, which means I just sit there and do nothing and let the flies lay eggs on my body. Yes, gross.

Well, looking at the comment box (still no tagboard, muahaha!), there's this new reader the goes by the name "pablo". Welcome pablo, to this public corner of my mind, one of the rare places you'll ever see of me. Just behave yourself, and we'll get along juuust fine. This also brings my readership number to the total of five. Whee!

Hmm...there's supposed to be lots of stuff in my mind. So let me decompress here...

Ibanez commented that since Naruto and GS are showing in Malaysia, he wonders if the Narutards and fans of the emofag (that's Kira Yamato. I don't know what to call GS fans. But I love the word emofag.) will stop downloading the show. He wants to see how hypocrite people can be...

Well, people ARE fucking hypocrite to start with. I admit that I am a hypocrite at certain times. And c'mon, you people too, there are times in your life where you might think you're a hypocrite. But nevermind about that. I'm not here to diss myself or my friends. But I'm here to diss Malaysians and their hypocricity. And Ibanez, there's nothing we can do about them.

Back to the DLing issue. People (read: otaku) will continue downloading those shows and other shows as long as they like it. They want to have quick and quality entertainment, without forking out a single fucking cent. Remember what our Old Man said, "First Class Facilities, Third Class Mentality". Somehow, it reminded me of Kiasu-isms. Of course, comparisons of kiasuisms and downloading Naruto goes like comparing apples to oranges, but the spirit of "wanting it first" is still there.

Of course people (again, read: otaku) download fresh series from animesuki or whatever because they like the series and they want to see it firsthand. That's why there's fansubs and animesuki. Plus there's the expanding nature of technology, which enables them to download it fresh from the fansub's oven (or fresh from Japan, if they're too otaku or desperate. But that's another matter).

But, there is also the mindset where they download it just for the fact that they can. They download it because they can brag to their fellow otakus that "zOMG! I got to see naruto first than you geeks who watch it on teevee!" or something. They might also download it because they want to collect it, ignoring the fact that they can collect it easily (and legally) once the series is sold in Malaysia. But then again, are the series sold in Malaysia that good?

Which means we have to touch a bit on quality. Is the quality that good, compared to fansubs? Blablabla, blablabla?
Blablabla, blablabla? Blablabla, blablabla? Blablabla, blablabla? Blablabla, blablabla?

(Actually, there's a whole lots of questions regarding this and regarding the bigger matter. But I don't want to type any of it, fearing it might skewer me to a well established faction. I don't want to be associated with a faction. I'm a free agent, dude. Plus, i got lazy.)

Ignoring what I've said up there, people will download it. Hence they are a bunch of hypocrites. Even though it's on TV, they'll still download it. Heck, aside from everything else on TV, that damn Naruto is still ongoing in Japan. Narutards will be Narutards, Ibanez. Live with it. I guess i haven't answered that opinion of yours.

Ah, to hell with all those.

Next on Grasshopper Dreams: A Distraught Mind.
Right after these messages from our sponsors.

Goddamn muthafucker this fucking mouse is teh shit! It's optical, but it don't respond good enough! I had to resort to keyboard shortcuts, and I had accidentally closed some tabs! Grandma-fucking mouse! I should've sticked to the other PC, not this one.

And this goddamn CC is fucking infested with mosquitoes! Dengue's on the rise here, people, and you don't even care about any of this? I'm gonna type as fast as I could and just run out.

And now, back to Grasshopper Dreams.
We now bring you A Distraught Mind.

All along this week, I feel like I'm lacking something. There's the feeling of loss, and longing. In fact, I couldn't get my act straight. Heck, I've started smoking back again. Of course I've stopped now. Didn't even finish the last two sticks of cigs and I've thrown the box away.

I thought I could clear my mind by travelling. Travelling always help. Went to Segamat. Did some menial jobs. Love the town. Really. But as I came back home, I'm not as near to an eased mind. Then another travel chance popped up. Rawang. Heck, I don't mind. I even get free food. But nothing again.

Lots of stuff popping in and out for over two weeks. One of them are the girls I loved before. It listed out the names of the girls, even went an extra mile and showed me the film reels of the girls. Painful, I tell ya.

(goddamn it I'm getting very itchy. Type it out fast, goddammit!)
(Yes, but I have to sacrifice the integrity of the blog and all..)
(who the fuck cares!? Let's wrap it up!)

I come to think, that maybe this behavior happened before. So I reviewed the mental films, and found a connection.

It's almost February the 14th, Valentine's day. Oh god. the day where young stupid malaysians worship that dead saint from Italy and worship that naked baby angel who doesn't have a license to operate that bow and arrow. And he's a lousy shot, too. Motherfucker.

I ignored that date. I know I hated Valentine's day. So this is not the cause. I just moved forward in the dates, and saw the root cause:

20th February. 2005. The day I turn 23 years old. Shit!

I knew I'd felt this emotion before! It's the "whine before the birthday" session. I whine and bitch all I want, without realizing that my birthday's 'round the corner. I whine about my past, my present and my future. What did I do in the past year? What is happening to me now? Where am I going next year?

Those questions seems unanswered. It's hard to answer it. Maybe I got lazy. Or maybe there's no real answer to be found. But one thing is clear to me. I can only find the answer in myself. I have to self-explore to find it. And exploring the self is not a short-term task. It's a real lost city in that thick head of yours. And you're gonna spend your life looking for it.

Holy shit this is a long fucking post! Jya ne!


  At Tue Feb 15, 12:43:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger he who must not be named said...

première poteau!

I'm on fireee baybeh! >:D

Comment will follow after I take a leak.

  At Tue Feb 15, 01:59:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger he who must not be named said...

Me, hypocrite? I play the goddamn Halo , I'm a "saint" dammit! ;-)


Ahh, otaku. You know what scares me? Let see,

One of them(which so happened to be a Malaysian)actually said something about firing up his [insert-any-gundam-model-here] and whack a guy who made "anime sucks" remark.

I don't know what's more disturbing - the otaku that wants to beat the hell out of the other guy over a petty argument or the fact that he wants to pilot a gundam and blow the other guy to smitherin'.

Reminded me of why I keep *at-least* a yard from their kind.


Talk about Valentine's day; a friend of mine managed to get a hot Taiwan-mui(my classmate cum groupmate)to his abode. Lucky bastard! I hate youu, you hear me?! I fucking hate j000!

I need to get a shut-eye...zzZzzzZZ

  At Tue Feb 15, 02:53:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

You're on fai-yaar!

This gundam otaku, does it have any resemblance to our aquatic mammal in cyber or the gundam freak in melaka, or is neither? Let's just hope it's neither, and let you handle him *snicker snicker*

Yes, otaku blaming each other is a pretty pathetic image. Why don't they just accept their deficiency and just get a life?

Dude, who cares if he got a girl to his house? [this is a heavily edited version of this comment. :P ]

  At Wed Feb 16, 01:26:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger Lase said...

*raises hand* Me ish a hypocrite.

But me ish not a Naruto or GS fan.

Me still downloads from the net.

Me spends money on it cos me pays for StreamyX.

Me not watching on TV cos it's dubbed.

Me never said me gonna stopped downloading.

Therefore me ish not a hypocrite.

Me will download forever and ever.

V-Day me spent in class till evening, went home, watched some anime, went to sleep. Hahaha.... damn pathetic but who gives a damn?

  At Thu Feb 17, 02:48:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

no one remembered me during v-day...T-T. never mind at least i remembered them.(hipocrite that's me yep n i ain't afraid 2 admit it. but i'm not proud of it either)
oh, come on! who doesn't want free stuff?if i have the dough i'd buy sumthin else. no, i'm not a GS or a Naruto fan either.i'm a fan of sumthin else. its not mention yet here but if the word comes up, i'll raise up my hand and tell ya.
*sigh* if only downloading is safe... my comp is slowin down already.
@!@#$%!@&*(*&#()+_)(*&^% gibberish. hate those assignments!okey babai have a nice day!
yeah! i'm sixth! i'm gettin there.^-^

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