Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Exploring a dream

Didn't have a good sleep last night. Tossing and turning. Plus, I slept around 3am, and woke up before 7am, didn't help the situation too. But why?

Maybe because I was wary of sleeping. You see, I've been dreaming that I'm exploring Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel. Not Sunway Pyramid, not Sunway Lagoon, but Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel. Weird. Worst off, I was alone. Without my princess.

Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel is a big place, and you can easily get lost there exploring its nooks and crannys. I know it, because I explored it recently with my Princess.

How did the dream go? Well, I was walking around the hotel aimlessly. One thing that is glaringly noticable was the absence of my Princess. Usually I'd explore the hotel with her, but without her by my side, I was literally aimless. I went around walking through the halls, feeling a bit scared that she wasn't there to hold my hand.

Does this dream translate into something in real life? I don't know. And frankly, I don't believe it, and don't give a damn about it.

I will explore Sunway Lagoon Resort Hotel again with my Princess. I will have the chance to hold her again. I will have fun with her. I will have the opportunity to say "I love you" to her.

So what's the relation with my lack of sleep last night? Maybe I don't want to have that dream again. I'd rather have a bad sleep than a bad dream. Maybe I'm getting the fever. I don't know. Maybe I miss her so much.

As I woke up this morning, she called me. Hearing her voice...sigh. Her voice is a thousand times sweeter than sms. The simple way she said "good morning," the sweetness of her "I love you" made me feel better. It made me look forward for the day. It made me look forward for the future, where we'll hold hands together again.

Thank you, sayang.

Prayers for my princess and her mother.



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