Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Not tech talk again...

It's weird... I'm in the cybercafe, planning to blow more than an hour surfing the net. It's not even 15 minutes... and I'm already bored. Hell, I don't know where to head to. Hmm..

Granted, my favorite sites are of course, top of my list. But all them added can't add up to more than one hour. Let's try and list out some of my favorites... (oh yeah, talk about firefox too)

The blogs.. Yeah, for a few minutes. Granted, I only visit 3 blogs: Mine, Pabs, and Lase's. Aih. And don't even think I spend a lot of time in there. I don't do comments (only for really good stuff), and I definitely don't do taggies. I read blogs. And finally, update mine. If I want to update. Well, okay, the update part takes the longest time. Maybe almost an hour.

And I'm sorry pabs, I just can't find the drive to click your links. I know, You've been promoting them to me for ages. Well, maybe this time, I'll click them, just for your sake.

..okay, I just clicked on the links. Interesting, to say the least. But sadly I had hoped those two sites would bowl me over or something. Don't get me wrong. Those sites were interesting, but I'm not in any way hooked to them.

Back to the site listings. Megatokyo? Machall? Crazykimchi? Sadly, I don't feel the urge to follow my favorite webcomics when I'm here. Maybe in Kangar, but definitely not here. Sigh. I don't even hit the forums. Speaking of forum, the Nexus forums also suffer from the same fate of me not having the heart to follow it. Besides, (sorry to say) the forum is kinda semak, and it clearly needs a proper clean up. I respect Lase's opinion of keeping it as a momento, but somehow, there is kinda a limit and there is a distinct line between keeping your memories and letting it take over the real estate and becoming a lalang field.

That only leaves I would advise people to go there. And that's the only place I can spend a good quality time. Looking at pictures.

In the end, I don't have anywhere to go. Oy vey, how I miss my own PC. My settings, my bookmarks, my stuff. Even if there's no internet, I still have my mp3s and pictures. That's why I'm looking forward to the coming cuti: so I could fetch Kero-chan's laptop and fill it up with my stuff, and becoming an extension of my PC. Sigh.

Oh yeah, Firefox. Apparently, people haven't grasped that there is another browser out there besides IE. I'm not gonna ramble on about how Firefox is better than IE, because there is no perfect browser, only a better browser. For the non-technorati crowd, besides IE and Firefox, there's also the Opera, and there's the old-skool Netscape. Even IE7 is coming soon. For the non windows, there's Safari and Konqeror.

Gah, tech ramblings. I thought I wouldn't go there, but apparently, I crossed the line, yet again.

While we're on the topic of technological whinings of mine, I want to say: I want to download stuff thru Bittorrent, but it's prohibited in CC's. Aih. It's not a big file, just 33mb of audio files. It's's podcasts. Aih. Takpa lah. There's always other times.

Oh yeah, I visit too. Thank god for news sites.

Addendum: after I posted the blog, then I wanted to go to lots of sites. Tech sites, hardware sites, cnet, slate, pcmag...gah. Munyit.


  At Mon Jul 25, 08:58:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Lase said...



  At Mon Jul 25, 11:42:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Cherane said...

i wonder if you noticed the other other link...


i don't think so

  At Tue Jul 26, 05:51:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

As a matter of fact, I did see it. And I did click on it.


  At Wed Jul 27, 09:55:00 PM GMT+8, Blogger Lase said...

OMG sheeetzzzz

I forgot to read and comment on the post


Anyways, forum is boring cos WATASHI is not there. Hahahaa... not there for more than a week already.

Shit wonder how I lasted.

Ah I see.... laziness to read back posts that I decide not to visit till I'm very free... which sadly, won't come so soon thanks to MMORPGs.

Lastly.... bleh.


  At Fri Jul 21, 09:43:00 AM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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  At Fri Jul 21, 09:43:00 AM GMT+8, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good design!
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