Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

In the of lights

Kuala Lumpur is a magical place for me. Every time I reach the city limits, a smile flashes thru my face. The billboards adds a splash of colour, the greenery of the city creates a contrast to the concrete jungle, and multitude of faces tells me that the city is alive.

Yes, today I am in Kay El, my city of dreams. I'm here for a quasi mini-reunion of sorts with my MMU buddies. Basically it's a shoddily planned reunion, but who cares. As long as I can see my friends, everything is fine.

The day started with a weird bang. I accidentally woke up at 5am (can people "accidentally" wake up?) to see my roomie blasting the sound system with punk music. Did he not sleep? Whatever. I continued sleeping and woke up again at 7. (yes, I missed Subuh prayers. Smite me.) Prepped everything and went out of campus by 8.30 to send one unholy package back home. 24 kilos for 17 bucks. Will arrive at Arau on Tuesday.

Then I waited at Alor Gajah bus station to catch a bus to KL. I went in to a ticket stand to ask for a bus. That ticket stand also sells newspapers at the front door. I took one paper, put it under my arm, and asked for any incoming buses. There was none, so I went out of the ticket stand and walked to another. I bought a ticket there and promptly walked to the convenience store.

Then I remembered something. I didn't pay for the newspaper.

Jeez, I couldn't believe I did that. What did I do afterwards? I went to the far side of station, far away from the ticket stand. I don't want him to recognize me. Hehe, anyway, he couldn't have. It was a busy day and people came in and out of the stand. I was just another innocent consumer who happens to forgot to pay for the paper. :P

Well, back to the city.

I dunno, every time I come to the city, I just smile. I guess there's that magic the city gives. The City of Everything. Everything here is new, yet it's still old. skycrapers reach the sky, but there's still the small shops in between the buildings, oblivious to the race for the skies.

Consumerism is the keyword here, as countless shops fills the city. I had to refrain myself from buying (or looking!) at anything, or risk emptying my wallet. But in the city, you can see everything, and sometimes at the back of your mind, you really want that stuff, even if it's useless. Magic of the city, I guess.

Back to the reason why I'm here. Apparently, all of my MMU buddies (the inner circle ones) are here, and what better way to celebrate it with a reunion. Although it's not like we haven't heard from each other since July (the convo), this is just another excuse to meet each other. We're planning to paint the town red tomorrow. (Yeah right, as if we're party animals.) Basically we're gonna go around Mid-Valley and stuff.

Oh well, gotta go. My dude's table and keyboard's killin' me. I wonder if he got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome....


  At Mon Oct 11, 12:08:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger Lase said...

Jahat. If it were me I would have balik to the shop to pay.

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