Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Blogging withdrawal...or something like that

I'm only an hour into this blogging scene, and I'm already itching for another post! Crazy shit I tell you. But I bet by the next few posts, I'll get lazy and just not posting anymore, most likely abandon this site, leaving it to collect dust. I've done this before. But just hope that this project is continuous.

I have to lay out some more ground rules for my blog. It only applies for me. I have to remember to put any links that i find in the blog. If I have pictures, I'll try to include it.

Uh, what about those "questionable" sites that you go? For, that, I only have one word: No. I will never ever put those questionable sites up here. Remember, this is public domain now (a pitfall of having a blog). I still want to keep the privates private.

Blogging, for me, is about putting my thoughts online. People will read it, no doubt. People will comment on it, god forbid. It's a personal soapbox for you. I could say some of my thoughts are..(here's the word again), "questionable". Meaning it might not go well with the public. Meh, whoop-de-doo. Who cares.

I still haven't promoted this site to my dudes yet. Contemplating....

In other news, My Michigan dude flies back to Michigan today. I try to put up a brave face, but i have to say that I regret not spending enough time with him. But hey, the dude's in his final year already. By next year, I can borrow his GameCube, whether he likes it or not :p. Well, here's to you, Adlee Hishamuddin, godspeed, and lose some weight!

I've gotta stop writing for now. Save the blog ideas for later entries. If I put it up all of them now, then I'll be dry like a desert. Take time to brew the ideas. Heck, I'll make that into another blog rule.

Ja ne. Again. Friday prayers...


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