Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Early morning double whammies....

I can't believe I'm gonna post something depressing after a happy post.....argh.

Referring to the previous post, my hostel block is waterless. In laymans terms, I haven't got the chance to do any serious cleaning since the Grease night.

Imagine me today waking up. Usually when I'm still in bed, I always strain my ears to listen to any showering sounds (my room is next door to the bathroom). Y'know what I heard? NOTHING. Aw crap. I asked my dude who was coming into the room, "is there any water?" Well, you know the rest.

Great. So I pullled out my phone and text'd about whining about not having any water for 2 f'king days straight. I hit send and waited... And I got rejected. Huh? Curious, I text'd for my credit balance. Y'know what it said? I got RM0.03 worth of credit. Aw fuck!!

Like any champions, I always start the day with some good ol'fashioned cussing and cursing and swearing and all those shit. Talk about a double whammy in just one morning!

I'm really depressed because I had two whole days of fun, killed off by just two different items in the span of just minutes. I continued cursing back into bed. But I was too depressed to do anything. So I just moped.

1. I can't believe the hostel block is without water for 2 days straight. Who the hell is responsible for this shit?! I'd like to give a piece of my mind over this matter. Or rather, a piece of my fist.

Yes, I could just go and shower at the neighboring block, but I am a creature of habit. I don't just waltz to the adjacent block and just pop in for a quickie shower. I shower thoroughly, with the related shower items. I don't like to just go in and douse myself for a few minutes. I'd rather not shower at all than shower halfway thru.

Yes, please commence with the "eww, you're smelly" joke. I don't care. Thankfully I don't have any socializing to do (well, except coming to this cybercafe and typing this blog. But I do have a good perfume. So sue me). Maybe I'll collapse to the pressure and maybe I'll have to go to the adjecent block to have a shower. I really do need the cleansing. But if i will go the the other block later today, that means that my block will be without water for another fucking day! Ghaarggh!! Fuck the management!

2. I really can't belive I lost a whole load of call credits. The question is: who stole it? Basically, my phone's become a public property. People ask my phone to call or to message someone. I'm a nice guy, so I just give them. These people basically don't have phone credits of their own, so they ask for mine. In my case, I always keep my phone credit stocked. I'd rather not have a creditless phone. But then I become their phone booth. If they want to call/msg, they just reach for it and ask my premission to call. I usually say yes, and they just phone away.

This time, the perpetrator just picked my phone and just wated my credit without my knowledge. Fuck bollocks! Now I can't even call out, heck, not even a message out. I wanted to point my finger to any of them, but I'm too nice of a guy. I just bite my lips. But this is too much to bite my lips. This time, I'm enforcing that no one shall ever use my phone ever again. I can't risk it again. I am quick to get phobias. Especially when that thing is important.

But then again, I risk being a selfish person. Not a nice guy anymore. But fuck all of them. Will they remember me as a nice guy, willing to help? Hell no, I bet they'll just remember me as someone who they can freeload easily without fuss.

Nice guys have feelings too. And I'm dissapointed right now.

Because I guess I acted like a really helpful robot, they think I don't have feelings. Even more as I am a good listener.

I am a fairly good listener. People can talk their problems to me, and I will listen faithfully. I'm not good at giving out advice, but I can listen to their problems and try to take off some of their emotional load.

But a listener also has a mouth, and he too wants to talk about his problems. He also needs someone to listen to him, to take off some of his load. But the same person who talked their problems to the listener is unwilling to listen to the listener. The implied idea was that they have their own problems and it might be bigger that the listener's problems. Newsflash: The listener's problems ain't that big compared to theirs. It's not the problem that matters. What matters is that someone is willing to listen to the listener's problems. The listener actually appreciates someone listening to them, but who will he appreciate if nobody listens to him talking?

HOLY SHIT...I'VE DEVIATED FROM THE TOPIC AT HAND. But hey, this is my blog, and I wanted to talk whatever I want.

Meh. TTYL.


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