Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

"What is this crap on my TV?" (part 2)

G4 is a channel that is all about gaming. 'Nuff said. Oh, suffice to say, the channel sucks. Although the content caters to the gaming community, the show itself sucks. Especially the presenters.

And then came the decision to by TechTV. With the buyout, the TechTV staff are forced to move to Los Angeles from their TechTV studios in San Francisco.

Slowly but surely, the TechTV lineup was replaced by G4's. The worst goodbye for me was that they killed Call For Help. As time passes, so does other shows. The only reason xPlay stuck for so long was because it was a gaming show.

If we compare ratings between TechTV and G4, the former has better ratings as the channel caters to technology buffs. Although the channel doesn't showcase hardcore technology, but at least it opens the eyes of the public of the impact of technology in everyday life and getting people to get comfortable with technology.

The two best shows on TechTV was Call For Help and The Screen Savers. Call Help was a show where they take in calls from people around America and try to help them in their Pc-related problems and questions. It was a very fun show show to watch and it is really helpful. The Screen Savers is like a magazine show which showcases tech news, gadgets, and stuff.

These two shows has one personality in common: Leo Laporte He is my personal technological deity. At the time of G4's buyout, he already decided to get out of TechTV. He now works in other radio and TV shows. Other personalities include Patrick Norton, Kevin Rose and of course, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb.

Methinks G4 bought TechTV becaue they have the money and lacks the audience. Their show sucks, so does their presenters. TechTV has the audience as it caters to the tech community. As for G4...Err, yeah. So how to gain audience easily? Buy out a successful yet fledgling TV station, that's how. So in comes G4TechTV. A channel for tech, games and more games?

So there they were, G4TechTV. The Screen Savers alongside crappy shows. Struggle they did. Personalities walked away from crappy contracts. As for G4, they slowly fade the TechTV shows and replaced with their own shows. And Yes, xPlay is still there. Tech is slowly fading, games are in. Audience still tunes in. Or do they?



  At Sun May 01, 02:30:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger he who must not be named said...

I <3 morgan webb >:D

Also, who can forget about cat schwartz and her photoshop snafu. XD

  At Sun May 01, 02:37:00 AM GMT+8, Blogger Syaoran said...

Oh snap! I forgot about Cat and that fiasco! Woohoo!

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