Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

A swimming pool the size of a town!

Kangar is knee-deep. In water. Flood happened, that's what.

It had been raining for three days straight when I went to Hilmie's place in Alor Star on Saturday. On Sunday morning, my dad called and said that water had reached the front of our porch. Uh-oh...

As I remember, it's been a while since a major flood hit Kangar. There's a picture of me when I was just two years old, inside a floating tub. That was the last major flood.

I reached Kangar at around 4pm, sunday afternoon. The first indication that the flood was bad was the major roads were closed. Damn. Now where will the bus drop off the passengers? The only dry place was at the Dato' Sheikh Ahmad Stadium.

I got off the bus, only to be confronted by a lot of water. I walked back to my home, which is challenging as I had to walk in knee-deep water. All around, flotsam and jetsam.

(More pictures coming in a few days. Uploading sucks.)

When I reached my house, the water is just inches before entering inside. All that changed by nightfall. First the electricity was cut off. Then we noticed water was slowly creeping inside the house...

By 9pm the water was at our ankles. The inevitable has happened: water is in our house. For as long as we lived in this house, water never actually comes in when there's a flood. Now it has. Worse off, we installed permanent carpeting inside the boys' room. The whole night we scrambled to get stuff up from the floor.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of water. The water had risen up to about six inches in the night. We were wading in the water on Monday. I took this chance for some photo ops. I went out to town with the camera in tow. Damn, my feet hurt from all that walking in the water.

Of course, it was a carnival on the roads. People were wading in the water, kids splashing around. Big vehicles ride through the water. Smaller ones stalled in the water. Heh. motorbikes try to blast through, and most of them failed to get out of the water before the bikes broke down. My own motorbike was on bricks, to avoid water from damaging it. The car was parked somewhere a bit higher, where the water ain't so deep.

The house was underwater for about two days. Later, the electricity came back. But the water is still there. There's even some small fishies that swim around the house. We caught them and feed them to our fishies in the aquarium.

Around wednesday morning the water slowly recedes. The comes the clean up. The whole floor was covered in soot and crap. Of course, the worst is the boys' room. Imagine the smell of the carpet...

Now, the house is back to normal. Well, the furniture's still all whacked out and disoriented. But the clean up will go on.

Today, it's started to rain again. There are fears that the water will rise again. But all of them are rumors. We just brush the rumors off. Rumors can get people crazy. I mean, there's been panicky phonecalls about the dam's burst, or water coming in big time, etc etc. Sigh. That's why we shouldn't believe in rumors so much.

Well, I guess that's the story. Maybe I missed some. Maybe you guys have some questions. Feel free to ask. Also, enjoy the photos that I took.

Oh, I don't know when exactly will I go back to Shah Alam. Hopefully a bit late, but I don't know these university types...



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