Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Half an IFTDO

Luckily I've been a bit typy (mutation of chatty), and I've just finished typing one helluva email, and I still have a bit of typing energy, so why not use the remainder of the energy to blog? True, true.

Before i start blogging proper, I tought of myself, where did this energy come from? I looked at case studies, and I saw that I write a lot when I'm angry... Some sort of anger management, methinks. So what happened? Nothing happened, nothing I would reveal anyway. But damn, this is good writing energy.

Okay, let's start blogging! Topics are:
post-IFTDO shenenigans
VC cup
My Love (always)

Let's just list out the hightlights of IFTDO first, in no particular order: face2face with PM, ambushed by Dr.M, lots of foreign delgates, work(x3), the other KLCC, deja vu hostel, new friends, broken spoons, flood. Oh, bad management too.

The whole thing happened a month before the event actually started. If you read Pab's blog, she mentioned this. So I guess I'll skip this.

The whole thing happened in Kuala Lumpur Convention Center. If you're an avid PC Fair attendee, you'd know that the place is damn big. When we were on the field trip to KLCC, it was the day before PC Fair actually started. I saw the sign of the PCFair, and I was astounded to see that the whole length of PC Fair was about 925 meters. That's about less that a kilometer. And that's for PC Fair. Imagine us running the length of KLCC, back and forth. Damn. (I'm thankful for the carpets and air-cons.)

So the general job description was to run along. We were called "runners" for reason. But I was involved in something extra. Pabs and I, along with about 20 others were involved in the Opening Ceremony (the actual workforce was about 100-plus). Simply put, we had to escort the IFTDO board members onto the stage to greet the Prime Minister. In other words, we're going to see the PM up close! Guess I was really excited at that time. I know, it's just an escort thing. We're not even gonna shake the PM. But damn the very fact that I can see the PM up close excites me. He's actually about less than my height by an inch or so, but maybe that's the songkok's fault. All in all, he's actually as normal as any other guy. But the experiece was great. Too bad Pabs think it was nothing. Ah, I don't care, it's my experience to savor.

Earlier that day, some of us got spooked by Tun Mahathir. We were supposed to make a recieving line for Dr M. We lined up as usual, thinking that he will come from the usual direction. Our backs were facing the lobby elevator. So we waited and waited. Then I heard the elevator door open, and you could imagine a set of boys and girls jumping in surpise and forming an quick recieving line from the elevator to the door. He emerged behind and we were caught off-guard. Crazy, I tell you.

(damn, that energy is fading...)

The foreign delegates were a alot. Mostly Europeans and Americans

.....Waah! I can't write anymore! Tired! Y_Y But I'll post this up, and maybe later I'll finish it. See ya!

Oh, Sayang? I love you. And I'm sorry. I really am. Hugs Hugs Hugs. I love you.