Grasshopper Dreams 2.0

Coins and Auctions

Yesterday I decided to get off my lazy bum and do something. I looked up the list of stuff that I've been procrastinating over and found one task. I want to bank in all my coin collection.

I got this whole cup of loose change stashed in the room. It's about a full cup of Starbucks's Grande cup (that's the first container), and 3/4 of a long, rectangular camera box. I decided to put the money into my ASB account.

The collected coins were heavy. I put all of them in a hand bag. Noisy too. I went to the bank, and the clerk told me to go to the coin machine and sort it out. The clerk at the coin machine took the coin bag and dumped all of the coins into the machine.

Now, I'm like a kid at a toy store, looking at the machine do its job. The coins are tumbled inside the machine and then they all slide down to their corresponding sots. It was amazing to me. After a while I got the total, sixty something Ringgit. Then the clerk told me that it was a miscalculation and had to redo the process again. I just smiled as I watch the coins tumble and slide all over again. The clerk also gave me the old RM1 coin that was in the collection, and also a Thai coin. Hehe. This time, the clerk also took out a screwdriver and knocked around the machine, trying to prevent stuck coins.

All in all, the grand total was RM 126.16. Huh? I didn't know I had that much in loose change. I know that I've collected its since MMU days. Well, as long as it's money. So there it goes, into the ASB.

While we're on the subject of money, I've been thinking of selling of my book collection. But immediately my thoughts go to my Princess. Okay, let me explain...

I want to sell of my book collection. My artbooks; CardCaptor Sakura artbook, Sakura Taisen artbook, LOTR book set, maybe some Alex Ross art. Some of the books I don't know if I'm willing to part, like MGS and MGS2 artbook.

The reason I want to sell them of is of course monetary. But I also want to get some shelf space back. To tell the truth, it's kinda berserabut there. Also, I think I've out-grown those books already. I don't pay much interest in Sakura Taisen anymore, or any other books for that matter. I haven't opened any books in a long time. Besides, the Sakura Taisen book is in Japanese, and some others in Chinese.

Then there's my Princess. I haven't showed her any of my books. Of course, the solution is simply to bring my books over there and let her see them. Simple.

But that's not the actual problem. The problem is to actually sell the damn books. I've looked for online auctions in Malaysia. But the thing is, all of the online auction sites are actually ghost towns. No bidding activity at all. I don't think online auction sites are a good place to sell them books. Stupid online auctions. Maybe I could get some better luck in KL? Or what about Malacca? Maybe EMiNA-heads might want my books.

But I don't want to part with the books without making some sort of a profit. Dammit, I don't know how to calculate them pulak!